Thursday, October 20, 2005

Found Katrina sounds

David Corn on Harry Shearer's "Found Sound" exhibition contribution "Sounds around Katrina," assembled from satellite feeds of the news coverage:
In the middle of covering Hurricane Katrina from the New Orleans area, CNN's Anderson Cooper had a conversation with a producer or executive. Here's his side of the chat:
Listen, we have a chaplain here who's with this National Guard unit, and he's saying--he's sort of an interesting guy. He says that, you know, a lot of his soldiers are kind of shocked by the disparities they are seeing between rich and poor. And that, you know, they're from Oklahoma and they're a pretty conservative bunch but they're starting to sound like a group of liberals because they're all sort of stunned by what they see. I don't know if that's of any interest, but....Right, okay, we're full. Alright No problem. The horse video should be being fed in on the back of that other story that we're feeding in. It's good video. I looked at it. It's cool.
The Found Sound exhibits are in several Washington, DC area galleries, and last from October 14 to November 5.


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