Monday, September 19, 2005

thatfarmgirl, "Annapolis Cares" volunteer

Via a this post, Annapolis, Maryland resident "thatfarmgirl" shares pictures from her volunteer work in Houston.

On September 12, she wrote:
We have three huge trucks pulling in to Houston Saturday morning and we'll be there waiting with open arms...and sore backs. Full report when I return.
She has also been to the DC Armory with donated supplies, and wrote:
Yesterday, we sorted and packed and loaded items from 9 am - 6 pm. We then drove three trucks...with full police escort! the DC Armory. There were so many wonderful volunteers from Annapolis and the surrounding area...about 15 of us. While we were waiting in front of the Armory, a young man and his father came up to the truck and offered to help us unload. Thank you to Jamil and his father for seizing the opportunity to help!

I had an opportunity to sit and talk with a number of victims of the storm. Their stories are heart-wrenching and heart-warming. Those with whom I spoke were all in good spirits and they were very pleased with how they were being treated by those at the Armory. Somehow, they even managed to get, in the words of Mr. Persica, an evacuee, "very expensive seats" to the Florida Marlins vs. Washington Nationals' game across the street. And I cannot express how wonderful it was to see the eyes of the children when we walked in with a huge box of toys and told them to take what they wanted. It was Christmas in September!
Thanks for your work!


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